On Wednesday 21. August 2024 at 10 AM (CET) the candidate
will present the results of the doctoral thesis titled:
Carbon-based quantum dots for green-lubrication technology
Mentor: prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin
Mentor: Professor Catedrático Albano Cavaleiro (UC, Portugalska)
prof. dr. Franci Pušavec – predsednik
izr. prof. dr. Jože Kutin
Professor Associado Bruno Trindade (UC, Portugal)
prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin – mentor as an associate member
Professor Catedrático Albano Cavaleiro (UC, Portugal) – mentor as an associate member
Presentation will take place in Leskovar’s room and online, at: https://uni-lj-si.zoom.us/j/93274862074