Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate is the highest professional body of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The Senate is composed of full-time teaching staff and students. The Senate discusses and decides on professional issues related to research and development, artistic, and pedagogical work. The Senate shall set up additional commissions and working bodies for specific fields of expertise.
- Drafting and proposing the doctoral regulations to the Faculty Senate.
- Performing long-term tasks in the development of the Faculty’s study programmes and teaching methods in the field of doctoral education.
- Proposing the appointment of guest lecturers to the Faculty Senate.
- Preparing proposals of the members of the committees for assessing the suitability of dissertation topic.
- Proposing the appointment of dissertation supervisors.
- Proposing to the Senate the appointment of a dissertation assessment committee.
- Proposing to the Senate the appointment of a dissertation defence committee.
- Proposing to the Faculty Senate a call for applications for doctoral programmes and makes proposals to limit enrolment.
- Making proposals for the introduction of electives.
- Dealing with the analysis of the effectiveness of the study programme and formulating proposals for measures to make the doctoral study programme at the Faculty more effective and up-to-date.
- Supervising the implementation of organised study work and reviewing academic performance.
- Deciding on all academic and status-related issues of doctoral students.
- Determining the conditions for admission to the programme and adapting the programme for students pursuing interdisciplinary studies.
- Directing, supervising, and overseeing the study and research work of doctoral students.
- Proposing candidates for Faculty student awards to the Faculty’s Awards Committee in accordance with the Faculty’s Awards Regulations.
- Dealing with issues relating to the financial management of the doctoral programme and formulating proposals for consideration and adoption by the Faculty Senate.
- Performing other tasks that fall within its remit or that may be determined by resolutions of the Faculty Senate.
Committee for the evaluation of the quality of work:
- prepares an annual self-evaluation of the quality of teaching activity at the Faculty and prepares an annual report,
- prepares proposals for improving the quality of teaching activities at the Faculty,
- perform other tasks that fall within their area of responsibility or that are determined by the Faculty Senate.
Disciplinary committee for students
There are Level I and Level II Student Disciplinary Boards at the University that determine student misconduct and non-compliance, determine student responsibility and impose action.
The Level I Student Disciplinary Board shall act by a panel consisting of a chairperson and two student members. The chairperson and members shall have deputies.
The chairperson, members and deputies shall be elected by the member senates from among the teaching staff and by the student councils from among the students. The term of office of the Chair, members and deputies shall be 2 years. The Dean of the Member or a member of staff authorised by the Dean shall initiate disciplinary proceedings.
The Level II Student Disciplinary Board shall consist of a Chairperson and four members, two of whom shall be students. The chairperson and members shall have deputies. The chairperson, the faculty member and their deputies are elected by the University Senate, and the student member and their deputies are elected by the University Student Council. The term of office of the Chair, members and deputies shall be 2 years.
The Level II Student Disciplinary Board shall consider:
- appeals against the decision of the Level I Student Disciplinary Board, which may be lodged by the student concerned, his/her defence counsel, the Dean of the Member or a person authorised by him/her;
- decisions of the Level I Student Disciplinary Board imposing a measure of exclusion from the higher education institution on a student, even if no appeal against that measure has been lodged.
- The student shall have the right to defence counsel in the proceedings before the Disciplinary Board. Unless otherwise provided for in these Statutes or the Regulations, the provisions of the summary proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis to the proceedings before the Disciplinary Board.