On Friday, 12. 1. 2024 at 10 AM (CET), the candidate
will present the results of the doctoral thesis together with the defence of the second seminar at the level III of doctoral studies entitled:
Physics and engineering studies of heat fluxes to ITER plasma-facing components
Mentor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leon Kos
Co-mentor: Sr. Res. Assoc. Dr. Richard A. Pitts
Prof. Dr. Andrej Kitanovski – Chairman
Prof. Ddr. Tomaž Gyergyek (UL FE)
Sr. Res. Assoc. Dr. Boštjan Končar (IJS)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leon Kos – mentor as an associate member
Sr. Res. Assoc. Dr. Richard A. Pitts – co-mentor as an associate member
Committee for seminar defense:
prof. ddr. Tomaž Gyergyek (UL FE)
viš. znanst. sod. dr. Boštjan Končar (IJS)
prof. dr. Matija Jezeršek
izr. prof. dr. Leon Kos – mentor
The defence will take place online: https://uni-lj-si.zoom.us/j/94629328845?pwd=T2FoV2J2NHAzdDNOdXhsQURSUEh3UT09