The Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) runs the “Excellent in Science” project to promote science; this year 52 achievements were selected. Two of the selected achievements were also the work of our researchers.

In the field of “Manufacturing Technologies and Systems”, the following paper was selected:

Raziskave inovativnih odrezovalnih procesov za doseganje trajnostnih in čistosti odrezovalnih in izdelovalnih procesov

TEŠIĆ, Saša, CICA, Djordje, BOROJEVIĆ, Stevo, SREDANOVIĆ, Branislav, ZELJKOVIĆ, Milan, KRAMAR, Davorin, PUŠAVEC, Franci. Optimization and prediction of specific energy consumption in ball-end milling of Ti-6Al-4V alloy under mql and cryogenic cooling/lubrication conditions. International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing. Green engineering. 2022, p. 1-11, Illustr. ISSN 2198-0810.

In the field of “Biotechnologies”, the following paper was selected:

Hidrodinamska kavitacija uspešno inaktivira virus Y krompirja v vodi

FILIPIĆ, Arijana, LUKEŽIČ, Tadeja, BAČNIK, Katarina, RAVNIKAR, Maja, JEŠELNIK, Meta, KOŠIR, Tamara, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, ZUPANC, Mojca, DULAR, Matevž, GUTIÉRREZAGUIRRE, Ion. Hydrodynamic cavitation efficiently inactivates potato virus Y in water. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. January 2022, vol. 82, p. [1-19], Illustr. ISSN 1350-4177.

Excellence in Science 2022 is a selection of outstanding achievements that represent a significant scientific or socio-economic advance, a patent or other high-profile result of scientific research work supported by the Agency.

We congratulate all the researchers selected for Excellence in Science 2022 and wish them continued success.

Read more here; a list of all award winners can be found here.

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