Dear students,
tomorrow, August 22, 2023, enrolment for the senior year and the additional year for academic year 2023/2024 will start and last until Friday, September 22, 2023, so you must fulfill the conditions for enrolment on time (by Friday, September 22, 2023 at the latest).
Please check your completed obligations in the VIS system on an ongoing basis. On the basis of completed obligations that will be checked daily, and thus the enrolment sheets will be opened. Also pay attention to your financial obligations. Despite meeting the enrolment conditions, your enrolment form will not be activated if you still have unpaid tuition fees, enrolment fees, obligations to the library, etc.
All notices and attachments for enrolment are published on the FS website
Tomorrow, August 22, 2023, enrolment forms will be opened in the VIS system for those students who meet the enrolment requirements. If you fulfill the enrolment requirements later, we will issue you the enrolment form as soon as you fulfill the enrolment requirements.
Enrolment requirements:
Advancement from year 1 to year 2 is the fulfilment of study obligations amounting to at least 50 ECTS credits.
Advancement from year 2 to year 3: Students who have completed all study requirements in the 1st and 2nd year organized forms of study and have a positive evaluation from the doctoral Supervisory Committee on the appropriateness of the dissertation topic by a member of the UL Senate may be matriculated.
Advancement to year 4: Students with a confirmed doctoral dissertation topic at the UL Senate can enrol.
Enrolment will take place no later than Friday, September 22, 2023. You will receive invoices for enrolment and tuition via e-mail and VIS.
All 4th year students who have student status in academic year 2022/2023, you have an additional year and you already have your enrolment forms ready. No tuition fee is charged for the additional year, but only the payment of study contributions in the amount of EUR 32.85 (with the SMS sending option EUR 37.85) is required.
Enrolment will take place no later than Friday, September 22, 2023. You will receive invoices for study contributions via e-mail and VIS. If you are not going to enrol in the additional year, just let us know via e-mail at
(submission of applications from 4 September 2023 to 8 September 2023)
If you do not meet the required conditions for advancement in a higher year or wish to extend your student status and have legitimate reasons for doing so in accordance with Articles 125 and 126 of the UL Statute, you must submit an application with supporting documents from September 4, 2023 to September 8, 2023.
Article 125
A student who has not completed all the requirements set by the study programme for enrolment into a higher year may once in the course of the studies repeat a year if he has satisfied the conditions for re-enrolment set by the study programme. Exceptionally, a student may also request to enrol in a higher year if he has completed all obligatory content in accordance with the study programme and the minimal number of credit points of the current year, and has justified reasons therefor. The minimal number of credit points is set out in the regulation of a Member and it cannot be less than 40 credit points.
Justified reasons include: parenthood, the student’s extended illness, exceptional family or social circumstances, a recognised status of a person with special needs, active participation at top scientific, cultural or sport events or active participation in the bodies of the University.
The student must prove the link between the reason from the preceding paragraph directly affecting the completion of study requirements, which is examined by the commission for study matters of a Member or by another body as determined in a Member’s regulations. In its regulations, a Member defines the circumstances and evidence with which the student demonstrates his justified reasons.
Article 126
In the cases stipulated by the law, a student who did not complete the requirements to enrol in a higher year may, based on justified reasons, have his student status extended for one study year if the conditions stipulated by the law and these Statutes have been fulfilled. The right shall begin to be enforced in the study year following the study year of the justified reason.
The extension of status due to justified reasons, such as: extended illness, exceptional family or social circumstances, parenthood and status of student with special needs, is decided upon by the commission for study matters of a Member or by another body as determined in a Member’s regulations.
A justified reason for the extension of student status for foreign students enroled in the first year of studies whose mother tongue is not Slovene, can be the learning of the Slovene language.
Student mothers who give birth during their studies, and male students who become fathers during their studies, are entitled to have their student status extended by one year for each live-born child.
If you anticipate that you will not be able to fulfill the enrolment requirements, you must submit an APPLICATION FOR ENROLMENT. Fill out the application via the VIS system, sign it and send it with additional documentation (supporting your case) by e-mail to the address or registered mail, or hand it in personally to the Student Office no later than September 8. 2023.
Before submitting the application to the Student Office (by e-mail or in person), it must also be approved by the mentor: with a note on the application that he agrees with the submission of the application and with a signature (digital or handwritten). Applications submitted later and applications without appropriate supporting documents will NOT be considered by the committee and will be rejected.
The results of the considered applications will be published in VIS no later than September 20, 2023. Enrolment, based on a positively resolved application, will be until Friday, September 22, 2023.
Application for study continuation and completion
In case you interrupted your studies for two or several years, the Commission for Doctoral Studies (KDŠ) must further approve your continuation and completion of studies. For this purpose, you must submit the attached application to KDŠ. The next meeting of the KDŠ, where this application can be resolved, is on Monday, September 18, 2023, and you must submit the application one week before the meeting, i.e. until Monday, 11 September 2023.
FYI: Students enroled in the 3-year PhD study program who did not enrol in all years or those who have already enroled in all years and do not have a doctoral dissertation topic approved by UL, can continue their studies only by transferring to the 4-year PhD study program. Enrolment in the senior year is possible during the enrolment period (enrolment is not possible in the middle of the academic year) and will be enabled when you fulfill the obligations and conditions of the 4-year PhD study program for enrolment in the senior year, in accordance with the issued decision on the continuation and completion of studies (Article 128 of the Statute of the UL and Article 49 of the Regulations on Doctoral Studies of the UL).
Article 128
A student whose student status ceased (hereinafter: the candidate) has the possibility to perform study requirements against payment for two years after the end of his status, except if the programme is no longer accredited. After two years, he must file a request at the Member in order to continue or finish the studies.
The Member shall, based on the evidence of the study requirements completed until the suspension, decide whether the candidate is eligible to continue or complete the studies.
In the event of a positive decision, the year in which the candidate may pursue the studies is set, or the requirements that have to be completed in order to complete the course. At the same time, the conditions and requirements are set that have to be fulfilled again and/or in addition if during the suspension the accredited study programme in which the candidate is enroled or is completing has changed. This decision lies with the commission for study matters of the Member or another body set out in the Member’s regulations.
Article 49
If a doctoral candidate fails to submit their doctoral dissertation by the deadline set out in the first paragraph of Article 47 of these Rules, they may submit a request to the UL member for the continuation or completion of their doctoral studies. Based on the doctoral candidate’s request and the opinions of the supervisor and possible co-supervisor, the responsible body of the UL member shall decide on the continuation or completion of studies. In the event of a positive decision regarding the continuation or completion of doctoral studies, the responsible body of the UL member shall issue a decision in which it shall define the obligations that the doctoral candidate must fulfil to continue or complete their studies, including the deadline for the registration of a doctoral dissertation proposal, which shall not exceed two years.
Doctoral candidates shall register their doctoral dissertation proposal by the deadline set by the UL member in the decision referred to in the preceding paragraph, and submit their final doctoral dissertation within two years of approval of their doctoral dissertation proposal by the UL Senate.
If within the deadline set by the UL member a doctoral candidate does not register their doctoral dissertation proposal, or if the UL Senate does not approve their doctoral dissertation proposal or if the doctoral candidate does not submit their final doctoral dissertation by the set deadline, the candidate may not complete doctoral studies in the same field.
If a doctoral candidate has a break in studies exceeding two years and their doctoral dissertation proposal has not yet been approved by the UL Senate, the possibility of continuing or completing those studies shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes of the UL.
A doctoral candidate whose request to continue or complete studies after such break has been approved, shall complete their studies according to the currently valid study programme.
Kind regards,
Student Affairs Office