The 8th Student technical conference ŠTeKam was attended by students from seven different high schools and faculties this year: Gimnazija Jurija Vege, Idrija, Faculty of Pharmacy UL, Bundesgymnasium für Slowene, Klagenfurt, Tehniška gimnazija Lava, Celje, Faculty of mechanical engineering UL, Faculty of Computer and Information Science UL and Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care.
At the student tehnical conference 18 papers were submitted and 10 were presented. In the vote for the best paper at the end, not only two, but three papers got the highest score (two papers had the same amount of points).
Aljaž Robek, Miha Brojan: Ravnovesna stanja prisekanih antistožcev
Jan Kupnik: 3D tiskani polimerni termični aktuator
Jurij Šegel, Miha Brojan: Experiments and numerical analysis on membrane wrinkling under simple shear
All papers will be published in the conference proceedings and entered into the Cobiss system under the typology Published scientific paper at the conference. Students can claim participation in the conference as an outstanding achievement, which is one requirement for receiving a Zois Fellowship. By registering a paper in Cobiss, all participants receive an officially accessible reference on scientific research.
The organization of the conference was supervised from the very beginning by an editorial board consisting of doc. dr. Tomaž Berlec, doc. dr. Miha Brojan and doc. dr. Boštjan Drobnič.
Our sincere congratulations to all participants!