The Jožef Stefan Institute has awarded the Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem to the most outstanding doctoral theses in the fields of natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, medicine, and biotechnology over the last three years. The Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem Committee, which consists of eminent researchers from SAZU, Slovenian universities and institutes, awards the Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem to encourage young researchers to become more involved in scientific research.
The Golden Emblem was also awarded to Assist. Prof. Dr. Matic Može for the high profile of his doctoral thesis Hybrid Structured Surfaces for Enhanced Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer. In his thesis, he investigated heat and mass transfer and showed that by combining the microstructure and wettability of boiling surfaces under boiling conditions, it is possible to achieve remarkable improvements in heat transfer intensity even on surfaces that otherwise exhibit superhydrophobic surface properties. These surfaces were previously considered unsuitable for improving heat transfer during boiling in the literature.
On the photograph 1: From lefto to right: Jan Šuntajs, Aleks Smolkovič, Matic Može. Photo was taken by: Marjan Verč, IJS
Two researchers from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Ljubljana were also awarded the Golden Emblem for their outstanding doctoral theses: Aleks Smolkovič and Jan Šuntajs. Jan Šuntajs is also our colleague at the faculty.
Congratulations to all!