Doctoral dissertation defences
Eva Zavrl: Improvement of thermal comfort and efficient energy use in buildings based on active-passive systems for overheating reduction›

Doctoral dissertation defences
Meeting for doctoral students (1st year) and mentors›
Doctoral dissertation defences
ENROLMENT in the academic year 2023/2024 (for students already enroled in PhD studies)›

Doctoral dissertation defences
Application for enrollment in 3rd Cycle Doctoral Study Programme Mechanical Engineering›

Doctoral dissertation defences

Doctoral dissertation defences
Jure Zevnik: Cavitation Bubble Interaction with Deformable Structures on a Micron Level›
Doctoral dissertation defences
LERU Doctoral Summer School 2023›
2nd Cycle thesis defences
Jay Bojič Burgos: Reševanje sporov pri blokovno verižni deljeni proizvodnji – 31.08.2022, ob 09:00, LESKOVARJEVA SOBA 1/2›
2nd Cycle thesis defences
Matija Črv: Zasnova in optimizacija sistema za ročno montažo baterijske naprave – 31.08.2022, ob 09:00, LESKOVARJEVA SOBA 1/2›
2nd Cycle thesis defences
Mark Dagarin: Industrijsko postrojenje za sočasno proizvodnjo toplote in električne energije – 31.08.2022, ob 09:00, III/3A›
2nd Cycle thesis defences
Urban Gramc: Napetostno stanje v slojevitem cilindričnem telesu med hitrim ohlajanjem – 31.08.2022, ob 09:00, III/3A›
2nd Cycle thesis defences
Miha Jelenčič: Merjenje in analiza lasersko generiranih nanomehurčkov v vodi – 31.08.2022, ob 09:00, III/3B›
2nd Cycle thesis defences
Benjamin Kotnik: Simulacija prehoda iz delavniške v celično proizvodnjo – 31.08.2022, ob 09:00, III/3B›
2nd Cycle thesis defences