Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering objavlja teoretične in praktično usmerjene članke, ki obravnavajo vprašanja sodobne tehnologije (Energetika in procesno strojništvo, konstrukterstvo in gradnja strojev, proizvodno strojništvo, mehanika in materiali itn.). Obravnava dejavnosti, kot so: projektiranje, gradnja, obratovanje, varstvo okolja itn. na področju strojništva ali z njim tesno povezanih ved.
- Goran Vorotović, Jela Burazer, Aleksandar Bengin, Časlav Mitrović, Miloš Januzović, Nebojša Petrović, Đorđe Novković: A Case Study of a Methodological Approach to the Verification of UAV Propeller Performance
- Ali Celik, Bayram Sahin, Eyüphan Manay, Abit Balin: A Study Using the Hybrid Fuzzy AHP&TOPSIS Method in the Conversion of a LEED-Certified Education Building into a Nearly Zero-Energy Building in a Cold Climate
- Ava A.K. Mohammed, Gailan Ismail Hassan, Younis Khalid Khdir: The Dynamic Behaviour of Symmetrical Laminated Nano-composite Containing Equal Numbers of Glass and Carbon Fibre Layers
- Linlin Li, Sanmin Wang: Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis on Windage Power Loss Characteristics of Aviation Spiral Bevel Gear with Oil Injection Lubrication
- Sumit Kumar, Pardeep Gupta: Prioritizing the Key Actors of an Organization for Business Excellence Using the Efficient Interpretive Ranking Process
- Teng Wang, Youfu Tang, Tao Wang, Na Lei: An Improved MSCNN and GRU Model for Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis
- Haiter Lenin Allasi, Vettivel SingaravelChidambaranathan, Mary Vasanthi Soosaimariyan: Wear Behaviour of a Cu-Ni-Sn Hybrid Composite Reinforced with B4C prepared by Powder Metallurgy Technique
- Igor Grabec, Nikolaj Sok: Diffusion Equation Generalized for Modeling of Chladni Patterns
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