Vljudno vabljeni  na predavanje, ki bo v

petek 9. junija 2023 ob 9. uri v Leskovarjevi sobi.

Method of Fundamental Solutions – a Meshless Method

prof. dr. Ching Shyang Chen

Department of Mathematics, University of Southern Mississippi (ZDA)

The method of fundamental solutions (MFS) has continuously gained popularity as a boundary meshless method due to its simplicity and high accuracy for solving homogeneous boundary value problems when the fundamental solution of the governing equation is available. Over the past three decades, a high volume of publications of the MFS have appeared in various areas of sciences and engineering. It appears that the research topic on the MFS is still gaining attention, and several extensive review papers have been published to keep up with the development in this area. In this talk, we present the basic idea of the MFS and its applications in science and engineering.

prof.dr. Božidar Šarler, predstojnik katedre za dinamiko fluidov in termodinamiko

prof.dr. Mihael Sekavčnik, dekan

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