Vabljeni na DAAD poletno šolo v Berlinu: “Reimagining Universities as Drivers of Sustainability” , ki bo potekala od 22. 8 do 26.8.2022.

Organizator ponuja študentom UL 2 štipendiji  (sofinanciranje stroškov poti in namestitve).

Poletna šola je namenjena študentom vseh disciplin. Pogoj za prijavo je, da je študent vpisan najmanj v 2. letnik 1. stopnje (lahko je tudi študent 2. stopnje), razpolaga z dokazilom o znanju angleškega jezika na ravni najmanj B2 ter da je predan trajnostnemu razvoju in ohranjanju narave in dobrin.

Kandidati naj ob prijavi posredujejo motivacijsko pismo, življenjepis in izpis opravljenih izpitov z ocenami, vse v angleškem jeziku, saj bo končni izbor naredil organizator.


From 22 to 26 August, the summer school “Reimagining Universities as Drivers of Sustainability” will take place in Berlin. Students are invited to develop ideas and models for how universities can respond to the growing urgency of the climate crisis.
We would like to invite two students from your university to this Summer School.

This Summer School is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office and is primarily for students from universities in the Western Balkan countries. Students receive a travel grant of €375.00 and an accommodation grant of €273.00.

In Berlin, these students will work together with students from the European university network Circle U. (

The Summer School is part of the one-year project “Think and Do Dialogue: The Role and Responsibility of Universities in Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals” and was initiated by Prof. Dr. Ivanka Popovic from the University of Belgrade. Prof. Dr. Anne Enderwitz from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is responsible for the content of the programme.

Over one week, students take part in creative, solution-focused modules and activities, such as workshops, meetings with start-ups and excursions. We’ll combine approaches from the natural sciences, education and cultural studies, from architecture, urban development and social entrepreneurship. The interdisciplinary programme will offer diverse and practice-oriented perspectives on developing measures for transforming universities into drivers of sustainability.

The summer school recognises the potential of universities to act as disseminators of knowledge and to develop best practices. We want to help this potential to become reality: by investigating the possibility of a green campus, by reflecting on how to integrate sustainability into university curricula, and by developing ideas for a better knowledge exchange between universities and civic partners. You can find the complete programme of the Summer School attached.

The aim of the summer school is to jointly develop practicable recommendations for climate protection in a European context that can also be realised at the home universities of the participating students from different countries.

We would be very pleased if you would support us in finding suitable participants from your university. Suitable are students of all disciplines who are at least in the second year of their Bachelor’s degree or are already studying for their Master’s degree, who have English proficiency (at least level B2 according to the CEFR) and are enthusiastic about sustainability issues.

It would be great if you could approach suitable students directly or call for applications and make a shortlist. Ideally, you could recommend four students to us by 24 June.

We would then select two out of the four nominated students. In order to make a fair selection, it would be helpful if the following documents were sent to us by each nominated student: a letter of motivation, a CV and an overview of grades.

Program Summer School - Universities as Drivers of Sustainability

Basic information

The summer school is organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Building Service Engineering of the Nuremberg Institute of Technology.

It is taught completely in English and it takes place from 18-29 July 2022, at the Nuremberg Institute of Technology, situated in Nuremberg, Bavaria.

Students, who are graduating soon from a bachelor’s programme or are enrolled in a master’s programme with a technical orientation (e.g. mechanical engineering, mechatronics) are eligible to participate.

The workload of the summer school is 5 ECTS. Students, who successfully complete the summer school, will receive a certificate.

Applications (short cover letter + CV) are being accepted until 30th April and should be sent to


In the summer school students will acquire knowledge and experience in the field of development, simulation, and additive manufacturing for medical applications. They will work in a group with other international students on an interdisciplinary development project on an in-ear device. In the lectures, they will learn about development methods, processes, and software tools, which they will apply directly with fellow students and professors in a medical technology project. In addition, they will carry out practical work in the laboratory on 3D printing, 3D scanning, FEM, material testing, and flow investigations.

The summer school also includes company visits and a guided leisure programme in Franconia.


The price for students from partner universities such as the University of Ljubljana is 250 €.

It covers the tuition for all classes and labs, support by programme coordinators, learning materials and access to online learning platform moodle, leisure time activities, a welcome package and a certificate for international students, miscellaneous.

Further information

Students can find all the information about the summer school at

If they have any questions, they are very welcome to contact the coordinator of the summer school, Ms. Rebecca Ehrig, via

Information about the summer school

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, Germany.

We are very pleased to send you today an invitation from our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for our Summer School “AMSMA” in July this year.

The Summer School is aimed at Master’s students in Engineering. Participants will acquire competences and skills in the field of development, simulation and additive manufacturing of medical applications. They will work on the interdisciplinary development project „in-ear device“ in a group with other international students. In the lectures, students will learn about development methods, processes and software tools, which they will apply directly with fellow students and professors in a medical technology project. In addition, students will work practically in the laboratory on 3D printing, 3D scanning, FEM, material testing and flow investigations.

Please find more information (contact details, deadlines etc.) about the schedule under Summer School – Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm ( and in the attached flyer.


Teološka fakulteta organizira II. poletno šolo teologije – V koga verujem in v kaj verjamem?, ki bo potekala na Bledu, od 25. do 27. marca 2022. Cilj poletne šole je osvetliti krščanski dogmatični nauk, ki temelji na verovanju v enega Boga, spregovoriti o pomenu osebne vernosti, verskem sinkretizmu in nevarnostih le tega.


Plakat_PŠT 2022.png

Vse informacije o poletni šoli

Dear partners,

This is a friendly reminder to let you know that on Tuesday the 1st of February we open up our nomination form for the Summer School for Sustainability 2022. Link below. Please get ready to nominate interested students at the latest by 31st of March, and remember that you can nominate up to 10 students per institution. As interest is high, we cannot guarantee spaces for all nominated students but will aim to provide each partner institution with at least some seats. Selection within each nominated group will be based on total amount of ECTS.

Please get ready to provide the following information for each student:

  • Name and last name
  • Email address
  • Main area of study
  • Study level (Ba/Ma)
  • Total amount of ECTS

Link to nomination form that opens on 1st of February:

Please be so kind as to forward this email to the relevant person at your institution if this is not your area, and please let us know so we can update our contact list.

Also, as always, feel free to get back to us with any questions!

Warm regards,

Elin Fransson and Mikaela Green

Project coordinators
Summer School for Sustainability

We would love to encourage students from Slovenia to apply for this program. Therefore, we would like to ask you to share the information about our current call for applications with the interested students.

Please find a flyer attached to this email. We would be very pleased if you could post it on your website and social media.

Please let us know whether it would be possible.

COPERNICUS BERLIN in social media:







If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email:

Internship Program Copernicus
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